Friday, March 26, 2021

My Roof is Leaking. What Should I do? (Part 5)

What should I do when My Roof is Leaking - Part 5

Now that you have vast details, it is time to do some detail work. This will guarantee you are not cheated and that the roofers that inspect your roof don't pull a fast one on you.

It is now time to look for hidden damage

A roof leak does not start overnight. It is developed over time. Which means that water was collected on spot for far too long and went unnoticed for some time. Once it enters the living space, you know that the ceiling and the attic will have moisture. You now should check the the attic hidden damage caused by the leak. You want to be aware of wet spots on the roof planks or panels. Also look for discolored wood, damaged OSB panels, strange odors and possible dirt on the insulation. While inside the house, check the water bulges on the walls and on the ceiling. Signs of peeling paint, cracked plaster or wallboard, are indications that you may need more than just a roof repair.

Don't be discouraged. The fact that your roof is leaking is not your fault. We are glad you have taken the first step in getting your roof repaired.

Friday, March 19, 2021

My Roof is Leaking. What should I do? (Part 4)

Are you asking yourself, "What to do?". The roofers at ABC Commercial & Residential Roofing are here to help you put your mind at ease. Having a leaky roof can be devastating to your health. We don't want you to worry. Now that the fall season is coming, we hope to give you some tips on what do to if you find your roof is leaking.

Please see our previous 3 parts before taking this next step:

Inspect the flashing.

Some roof leaks are the result of clogged gutters or downspouts, but we'll cover that next month. More often than not, leaks are the result of wear and tear, and sometimes damaged tiles or shingles. In other cases, the flashing around chimneys, vents, or roof projections is damaged and allows water into your home. Check the flashing; that is, the chimney, dormers, and vent areas. If the flashing is in poor condition, it may need to be replaced. If the sealing around the flashing is damaged, a generous application of roof tar may plug the leak. This can be easily repair, and you are now well on your way to getting your roof repaired.

We hope this series has been informative, and we welcome you to give us call. Even if you don't choose us, we are sure you are now better prepared to have a professional roofer give you an estimate. We will be back next month with the next tip. Please click on the tag "what should I do when my roof leaks" below to see the complete list. If by chance, you don't want to wait, we are happy to visit you and inspect the roof for you.

Give us a call at 1-844-619-7663

If you are looking for Roof Repair websites, you are sure to find something that meets your needs. 

Friday, March 12, 2021

My Roof is Leaking. What should I do? (Part 3)

Fixing a Leaky Roof in Los Angeles

August 14, 2014: Part 3 of our fixing a leaky roof series. The roofers at ABC Commercial & Residential Roofing are here to put your mind at ease. Having a leaky roof can be unhealthly; especially if you let it go on to long. Howver, we don't want you to worry. The rainy season is right around the corder and we will continue to provide you witha monthly post to guide you through fixing that leaky roof.

If you missed Part 1 and/or Part 2, we urge you to start there. Now let's get going...

Fix Leaky Roof Step 3

Inspect the roof, inside and out.

You may not want to do this yourself. Either call a professional roofer, or a handyman if you feel more comfortable. But either way, you must check the roof for obvious sources of standing or pooling water. Make sure the valleys, gutters and downspouts are clear of debris. Any water must flow freely off the roof and away from the house. Make sure all parts of the underlying roof are covered with shingles, and that the water barrier is not exposed in any way. You should note that that the leak may not be directly where you noticed the leak inside the house. For this reason, your professional roofer or handyman must inspect the entire region of the leak very carefully. The attic space above the living quarters should also be inspected. This will give you a better indication of how the water is entering the dwelling.

Free Roof Repair Estimates in Los Angeles

Give us a call at 1-844-619-7663

Looking for Roof Repair websites can be a daunting task. You never know what you are going to get. 

Call Roofing by ABC today!

Serving Greater Los Angeles, Orange County and in 2021, San Diego!!

Friday, March 5, 2021

My Roof is Leaking. What should I do? (Part 2)

Fixing a Leaky Roof in Los Angeles

Here is Part 2 of our Fix a Leaky Roof series. The roofers at ABC Commercial & Residential Roofing are here to put your mind at ease. Having a leaky roof is bad for your health and we don't want you to worry. Our Fix a Leaky Roof series, will give you the steps you will need to take to restore a normal life.

Refer to last month's post for Part 1 but here is the next step you will need to take if you have a leaky roof:

Covered by most Insurance Companies

Call your insurance agent.

If your home has sustained a considerable amount of damage, you should call your insurance agent immediately. Your insurance policy may or may not cover damage to the interior from a roof leak, but you do not wait to call the agent. Explain the situation and ask them to have someone inspect the damage. They can usually have someone there within hours of your call and by all means, they help you get started on the process of cleaning up or replacing your damaged contents.

Although you can mention ABC Commercial & Residential Roofing, 844-619-ROOF, we will not mind if they hire someone else. Be sure to follow our guidelines on Evaluating Roofers and with a little luck, you get the service your hard earned money deserves.

Best of luck!

Roofing by ABC
ABC Commercial & Residential Roofing Company
Local Roofers in Los Angeles

Stay tuned for part 3 of our monthly posts. It will appear on August 14, 2014. Click on the tag "fix leaky roof Los Angeles" to see the complete list.

What can you do today?

If you cannot wait, you are entitled to a FREE Roof Repair Quote. Call us at 1-844-619-7663 to schedule an appointment. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.